2021年10月26日 星期二

Frida, hook your android application.


1. https://github.com/sensepost/objection install objection as the instruction.

2. patch your apk https://github.com/sensepost/objection/wiki/Patching-Android-Applications

3. adb install -t your apk

4. once you launch your app, the app will be white black and waiting for the `objection explore`

5. memory search xxxx



useful command lines

  577  frida -U -f com.dbs.mbanking.tw -l android-keystore-audit/frida-scripts/fingerprint-bypass.js 

  578  adb shell pm path `package name`

  579  adb pull /data/app/~~6ohSJjUoGZa22X_AhKiKxA==/com.dbs.mbanking.tw-W2_ViQB4emAQjMRXvDkcSg==/base.apk

  580  objection patchapk --source base.apk 

  581  adb install -t base.objection.apk 

There's easier way to detect password

1. dump hprof file from your runtime app.

2. grep "keyword" xxx.hprof

you can dump hprof file via Profiler or using some commend line



Starting 2021, mstg will scan sensitive data in memory. Either in Jvm or ios environment. The immutable String will be in the heap space and hard to be collected. So what you can do is don't use string to transit it until e2ee. In that case, you need to salting your password in the String instance or passing it always using char array. Here is an example of salting.


